Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Forbidden City and Summer Palace

Sunday, Lia "Min Min" visited Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City in the morning.  She went to the Summer Palace in the afternoon and took a boat ride on the lake there.  She had a special Peking Duck supper that night.  Wondering if she enjoyed the meal!

The Forbidden City


  1. Ni hao, Min Min. I was shopping near your home and school over the weekend and smiled a lot to know that you are in a far-away place seeing wonderful things. I'm guessing you're having a great time in China!

    from Tracy

  2. Hi MinMin,
    We saw a great picture of you with all the kids outside of the Forbidden City! (Marilyn sent it) We have a picture just like it from when we were there!! It looks like you are having lots of fun!! Hope you had fun at the Great Wall!!
    Love, Zoe
