Monday, April 18, 2011

High SpeedTrain

Min Min was driven from Qidong to Hengyang, the Qidong County administrative city.  She is taking a high speed train - 220 miles per hour - to Guangzhou.  It should take about one and a half hours.


  1. Hi Connie and Min Min - haven't checked your blog for a few days and am thrilled to see the wonderful things you've been up to! The pandas look adorable, the embroidery is so detailed it would make my eyes cross and I'm sure that you had a very interesting visit to Qidong and the orphanage. Can't wait to hear all about it and see all your pictures when you return! Love, Flo and Rosie
    P.S. Can't figure out how to post other than as anonymous!

  2. We can only wonder WHAT it must have been like to ride in SUCH a fast train! Were you thrilled or a little scared?
    Brian and Monica
