Sunday, April 10, 2011

On the 2 airplanes


Finally going to china was so much fun with my friends. I had to go on 2 airplanes. The first one was only one hour the second airplane took thirteen hours and about thirty minutes. I was in front of my friend Rachel. We talked a little. The airplane that I went on was so cool because each chair had a minnie tv. I watched Guliver's travels the movie and this weird doctor show. When the plane was landing it went up and down it was really fun it felt like I was in a roller coaster. When we got to the the Chinese airport it was so shiny and clean it looked like an airport in MA.


  1. Hi MinMin,
    I love the TVs on the plane, too! Did you like the food? They had a lot of snacks in the back of the plane when I went!

    What did you do today? Are you eating yummy food
    and noodles for breakfast? Did you go swimming?

    Hope you're having fun! I can't wait to hear more about it!


  2. Your fun is just beginning! Thanks for sharing with folks back home.
