Sunday, April 17, 2011

Qidong and the Orphanage

Today is another BIG day . . .   .

Min Min is taking a 4-1/2 hour drive to Qidong and will spend the night there.

Qidong Xiangjiang Hotel

She will, hopefully, get a chance to tour her orphanage.  There are plans for her to meet the old and the new Directors of the orphanage - lunch with one and supper with the other.  She is taking picture books of her life in the US as gifts.

Qidong Social Welfare Institute when Min Min was there . . .  .

Min Min in the second pink walker - (2002 ?)

And now . . .  .

Qidong SWI new playground


There are more than one "Qidong" in China.  This one is in southern China, in Hunan Province.
Hunan Province


  1. I have been away for 3 days with no computer access. One of the first things I did when I got home was to check your blog. You have been VERY busy. I think you have seen more amazing cultural things in the last 2 weeks than I have seen in 57 years!!!! You are very blessed and I am wishing I was there! Hey, that panda was bigger than you! I have many qustions about your trip but I will wait to ask them until you get home. Keep having fun and learn a lot:-))

  2. That definitely sounds like a very big day. I hope it's special for both Min Min and Mom, revisiting the place where you became a family. Your whole trip sounds very special... and you still have several more days!

  3. Looking forward to hearing about Qidong.
    Maura and Zoe

  4. We hope you found the right very special this trip must be for you!
    Brian and I will have soooo many questions when we get to see you!

  5. THe photo of the babies in walkers is from Qidong's Grand Opening taken 11/25/2001. I have another one I can send you with your daughter in it.
    Estee was born 9/5/2000 so our girls could have shared a crib room! The little girl in front in the blue walker shared a crib room with Estee and shares our GOTCHA day June 2002.

  6. I am completing a data book for the Qidong orphanage, and am wondering if I can use a photo of the current orphanage from this blog. Can you let me know whether you would be willing to let me use it (crediting you of course!).
